The act opens up with Polonius and Reynaldo as Polonius is unraveling a new scheme that is stored in his unstable mind. The scheme is for Reynaldo to go to Paris in order to spy on Polonius' son, Laertes. In my opinion, I have a feeling that Polonius has an overprotective nature with his children and though it may seem that he is crossing the line just to check up on his son, it shows the caring and radiant character in Polonius. “By indirections find directions out” (ii.i.73).  When Polonius says this to Reynaldo it insinuates that this is all for the greater good. His mindset is in the right place, it just seems that his actions are not equivalent to the message that he is trying to send. Laertes seems like he was brought up by his father in a well-mannered environment even though he does not seem to have the best relationship with his father. On the contrary when one is sheltered to only one side of the world, when he/she is exposed to the other realm, one tends to completely immerse themselves into that other side, trying to make up for what they missed out on. People generally mistake Polonius' methods for overbearing, tedious, or even unnecessary, but that is where the theme of the play is introduced. I think the author wanted the audience to discern that there is more the Polonius than he is showing. People are not always what they are perceived to be, they tend to be a lot more genuine than they appear or more devious. One is more prone to hide behind a mask emotionally, until someone can peel off their fake persona, reveal their true identity, and give their true self, meaning.

The theme that is introduced into the play is:

     ^                                        ^       
Appearance vs Reality 
Zaeem Sagri
12/20/2013 06:56:44 am


I agree with your statement that Polonius can be viewed as a overly protective father, but in my opinion the theory that I have derived is that Shakespeare wanted to highlight that fact that Polonius is not a trusting father. This introduces a deceptive nature of Polonius as he misleading tells his children that he trusts them but in fact he needs to keep another set of eyes on them. I find it slightly confusing when you are explaining the theme of the play because you seem to ramble on with 'life quotes'. Lastly to make it easier for readers to understand your main message you should write a concise conclusion summarizing your thoughts. Good Luck in the future !!!

12/20/2013 07:11:25 am

thanks for your positive criticism... always remember my short friend.. things are not always what they seem. It is all based on perspective and perception. I feel Polonius is often misunderstood

12/20/2013 08:14:19 am

It is true that Polonius does have a devious side that contrast his “caring father” persona he gives off the in the first scene. However, after we uncover this information, we can deduce that maybe, in the first act, he was not acting the way he did in order to protect Ophelia. There is a good chance that he was just trying to protect his own rear end. Though, if you want, you could think that Polonius lost his trust for people due to an event in his past, that’s why he behaves this way. Throughout the play, you tend to take notice that Ophelia and Laertes do not have a mother, maybe she betrayed Polonius and that’s why he’s so sensitive. We can also assume that maybe Laertes has done something to lose his father’s trust, but there is no evidence behind that, just speculation. food for thought.

Other than that, great Blog!

(that’s why you never trust a girl with front bangs … >_>)

12/20/2013 09:22:31 am

yess the typically trust issue factor. I agree with that. People dont tend to notice the circumstances, they just judge based off what they see. Good observations

12/20/2013 09:23:06 am

dont you have front bangs....

10/29/2016 11:07:14 pm

Thank you, I greatly appreciate your effort on sharing this amazing article..

7/23/2017 10:24:26 pm

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